28th September 2024 - 2nd Novembre 2024
Yes, I will be turning 60 in a few months and I've started realizing a few things.
I broke my wrist on 31st January this year 2024, got plastered on 3rd February, had to cope with the plaster for 6 weeks. Everything was ok after they took the plaster out. But then I was offered some rehabilitation sessions by the Health Department and I became very aware that my wrist was still hurting, that my ablity to grasp has become smaller, that my fingers are sore when I try to close them strongly.
Then, on 14th September I twisted my ankle 3 times because of my new sandals, which have a smaller sole
In the meantime, I became less and less confident when I drive at nighttime.
And I ordered (10th September) and started using my first pair of progressive glasses. (In July I had my first shorsightseeing glasses, thinking they would be enough.) This means learning how to use them.
Then, on 31st October, a nurse called me from my Health Centre telling me that I need to change my diet and eat daily a lot more dairy products (3 glasses of milk + yogurts + cheese). She didn't feel she needed to explain that this was connected to the results of the densiometry I had done on 12th September. There, they had already told me to eat more dry fruits, blue fish and green vegetables cooked. I have beginning of of arthosis on my knee and osteopenia on my back (lumbar, lowerback)
All and all, these are just small signs of getting old.
Segons l’OMS, l’osteoporosi és una malaltia del sistema esquelètic que consisteix en la disminució de la massa òssia,
concretament és diagnosticada quan la densitat òssia és menor a 2,5. És
aleshores quan el risc de fractures augmenta principalment en maluc,
columna vertebral i canell per una major debilitat òssia. https://www.centrojuliafarre.es/ca/dietes/osteoporosi/